Uniform Guidance For Research

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200)" is applicable to all new and incremental Federal awards issued on or after December 26, 2014. Uniform Guidance supersedes eight previous Federal Circulars (including A-21, A-87, A-110, and A-133) to provide one guidance document for all Federal agencies and non-Federal recipients of Federal assistance (awards). The purpose is to eliminate duplicative and conflicting guidance as well as reduce the administrative burden on Federal agencies. It strengthens oversight to minimize risk of waste, fraud, and abuse.

Florida Institute of Technology is committed to ensuring the standards set forth within the Uniform Guidance guidelines are followed. Please be sure to review the following information for items related to Uniform Guidance

Effort Reporting

Federal guidelines require that the University confirm that all salary and wages charged to grants and contracts accurately reflect the work performed. To assist faculty working on federal grants or contracts in completing the form for fall semester we have included several helpful links below:

Important Information

Subawards and Subrecipients

2 CFR Part 200.330-.332 outline the Federal requirements including documentation required from subrecipients as well as outlining subawards versus vendor agreements. Florida Institute of Technology requires that all Principal Investigators familiarize themselves with the regulations to ensure compliance.

Important Information: